I've subbed to Simply Cardstock monthly kits off and on several times since they started offering monthly cardstock kits. Renee has always delivered top-notch customer service. Last week, I had my very first *problem* with a shipment. I was missing six sheets of the 8.5x11 cardstock. I emailed Renee and asked her if she could just include them with my September kit. I told her I was in no hurry, and that I didn't want her to have to pay shipping for 6 little sheets of cardstock. Today I get a package from her -- an entire Strictly 8.5x11 Selection! That's 48 sheets of Bazzill in colors like Asparagus, Harvest and Orange Crush.
So I'm splitting it with one lucky reader! Leave a comment on this thread by midnight on Monday (9/3). If you mention this on your blog, include the link in your comment and I'll put your name in twice! Next Tuesday I'll randomly draw a name to win 24 sheets (2 sheets each of the August colors) plus this month's matching treat --- a pack of Simplicities Die Cut Flowers by Deluxe Designs. You can check out the Simply Cardstock website to see exactly what's up for grabs. And don't forget to check back next Tuesday to see if you're the lucky winner!
And thanks Renee! You rock!

Oooooh, Simply Cardstock! Isn't Renee AWESOME?? She has the BEST customer service EVER!! And it's so nice of you to share Rachel! :D
Hi there...thanks for the chance to win some fun colors in cardstock! Cheers to you!
Whoops...forgot to say that I posted it here: http://stampinwhenican.blogspot.com/2007/08/karries-got-more-candy.html
I'd love to win that super-duper prize! Thanks for offering it. I found you through Alison. Once she features you, your counter will be up to 200 in a blink of an eye:)
Wow congrats on your 100th post! Sweet sweet treat you are celebrating with. Thanks for a chance.
What a fun giveaway!
Congrats on 100 posts! What a nice thing to do for you, that is great customer service. Thank you for the chance to win some of your share! oooh la la !!! :)))
I didnt know they had kits-I need to go look for myself.
Congrats on your posts! Thanks for the chance.
How sweet to let us in on your 100 post celebration. I'd love to win that cardstock!
Thank you for the kind offer - I LOVE the Bazill colours. And they're very hard to find local to me.
Hello there. Thanks for the chance of winning some great cardstock.
OOOHHHHH Cardstock...can you hear me drooling? Thanks for your generosity!
This is very nice of you. I am going to have to check out simply cardstock. one can not have too much cardstock. :)
A great giveaway!! Thanks for the chance. I will keep my fingers crossed.
Hey! I so this on Allison's blog before my reader! LOL!
And I agree, SC is the best club ever. I'm on hiatus right now, but am thinking about getting a sub for just the 8 1/2 x 11. You may have pushed me over the edge! LOL!
I'll put this on my blog, too!
thanks for sharing your candy blog!
aAwww..Bazzillll...Congrats on your 100 post!
Oooh! I am a paper fanatic and Bazzill is my favorite. Thanks
How nice of you to do this Rachel!!! I was trying to think of something to get for my birthday (which was yesterday) and a SC sub might just be the thing I need!
Renee at Simply Cardstock has the best customer service. Rachel, it's so nice of you to share.
Wow what a great blog goodie! That is really generous of you, to give some of your valuable cardstock.
Thanks for the chance.
Wow, what great customer service! Thanks for introducing me to a new place to spend all my money!! LOL!!!
Cheryl KVD
Congrats on 100 posts. Wow, sounds like you received great customer service, thanks for passing that on. Nice to know about vendors like that. And thanks for the chance at cardstock; very pretty colors.
Congrats on 100 posts! It is so nice to receive customer service like that! It's definately info that you remember & pass on to others. Thanks for the chance to win some great cardstock. I LOVE the Bazille cardstock. It's one of my favorites.
Found you through Allison at Stampin When I Can. Congrats on the 100 posts, and who can't use more cardstock?
I also found you through Allison and boy am I glad, you have a wonderful blog.
wow thats awesome customer service!! If more shops would just have a tenth of that it would be so much better for customers.
That is some great customer service. Love me some bazzill.
Was referred to your blog by "My Blog Song". You have a great blog and an awesome treat!
Congratulations on #100! Thanks for the chance to win some great treats!
Congrats on 100 posts. Thanks for the chance to win the fun candy.
Can't miss out on this...thanks for the generous blog candy.
ypihCongratulations on 100 posts! What a generous giveaway!
Oops. Please ignore the "ypih" at the start of my last comment. I think it was part of the verification code.
Thanks for the link - looks like a great place to buy paper. And thank you for sharing your pack of card stock with a lucky winner......Me???
That was great customer service that Renee provided to you! That really says a lot about her and her kit club! Congrats on your 100th Blog post, too! Good for you! :-) Thanks for sharing your yummy Bazzill! That was sweet of you!
Wow Rachel, how nice of you to share! Congrats on your posts!
Cool kit club! Thanks for sharing that site!
Did you have a nice 3 day weekend? I painted my MIL's house so I really DID labor.
Hope I'm not too late!! I'll post this link to my blog right now! Thanks for the RAK drawing!
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