Monday, May 15, 2006

New Arrivals Day

at church was Sunday April 30. This is the day set aside for dedication of all 42 babies born in 2005. A. loved the bouquet of flowers we received...each color representative of something in the child's life. C. also received a small bible with his name and a letter from the church to open on his 12th birthday. We also got a DVD with the video presentation of all the babies and their families and had our family portrait taken. While the babies are still unborn, a little flower pot with the family's names and due date is posted on a bulletin board in the nursery wing so that prayers can be made for the family and the baby. Upon birth, a little pink or blue tulip with the child's name completes the flower pot. We also were given these as a remembrance of all the prayers (known and unknown) that were offered on our behalf during those months. This was really a special day for our family. And yet I can't help but know that as happy as the day was for me and many others, I'm sure there were those in attendance that were upset about the babies that didn't arrive in 2005.

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