I guess it's normal for a mother to compare the development of her children. Addison was such an early talker. Her vocabulary at 15 months was unbelievable. Clark was no where near having the same fondness of hearing his own voice at 15, 18 or even 20 months. Clark's pediatrician reassured me at his 18-month visit that his 10-12 word vocabulary was totally normal. But recently, Clark is expanding his vocabulary daily and has started repeating everything!! It's SOOO cute when he shrugs his shoulders and says "I doen know". But I'm not sure I'm quite ready for the word he introduced yesterday.

Momma: Clark, it's time to get out of the pool and go inside.
Clark: No.
Momma: (after taking a minute to comprehend what she just heard): C'mon Clark, let's go inside.
Clark: No!
Momma (thinks to herself): Oh boy...the 2's are already starting. Life was so much easier when he just agreed with everything we told him. I'm not sure I'm ready to handle yet another opinion in this family.
He is SO CUTE! He looks like such a big boy with his hair slicked down! They grow up WAY too fast!
Uh oh! Good luck! LOL! He is adorable though! I can remember when he was born! Now he's such a little man.
Awww, he's too cute!
And as hard as the two's are this is my fave age - its amazing how fast they learn!
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